
Color is a Language

reneename“There are infinite shadings of light and shadows and colors…it’s an extraordinarily subtle language. Figuring out how to speak that language is a lifetime job.” – Conrad Hall


There is no disputing the power of color in our lives. The blue of the sky and ocean evoke peace and calm, the yellow and orange glow of the sun: energy and vitality. And while culturally there can be different connotations in the hues and shades of the spectrum, color is a language.

Cover artist Shelli Walters knows the power of color and likes to use bold and vibrant palates that reflect joy and empowerment: “It’s really just about making the most of every moment that you have and seeking beauty and color and vibrancy in life. I like to bring that out [in my paintings] and hopefully people get that, hopefully it makes them feel joyful and empowered.”

The language of color is known intimately by the artists featured in our pages, but our sense of sight is also intricately linked to our other senses. Have you ever listened to Miles Davis’ album Aura? In this unique work composer Palle Mikkelborg scored 10 tracks representing the colors he sees in Davis’s aura. From White and Yellow to Indigo and Violet, the music tapped into the relationship of music to color, of sound and sight.

Synesthesia is a neurological phenomenon where stimulation of one sensory pathway leads to an automatic experience in a second sensory pathway. For some people a memory, day of the week or even numbers can have specific colors. It’s no surprise that research shows that many people with synesthesia are creative types.

Many of our relationships to color are so ingrained that we may not notice our gravitation towards red when we are feeling passionate or angry, or green when we are seeking health or growth. Next time you are stuck for inspiration, notice the colors around you and the effect they have, that is the language of color.

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