Producer-director-performer, Shay Knorr of Solo Speak, facilitates this personal story performance workshop called First Speak in Bend, Oregon. Participants will create a 10-12 minute story from their own experiences with coaching on structure, intent, conflict, resolution, editing and performance skills.
The stories will be performed without notes or props in a group showcase called The First Speak Sessions.
Participants must be available to attend all five collaborative sessions; be open to group feedback and suggestions from the coach; be willing to perform in front of an audience and be enthusiastic in promoting First Speak by inviting friends and family to the showcase performance.
$125 for 4 workshop sessions and one performance
Must be paid in full by first workshop date
Minimum of 4 / Maximum of 8
Workshops Tuesday evenings
September 9, 16, 23 & 30
6:30-8:30pm at Shay’s house
Showcase Performance
Saturday October 4
12pm at Tin Pan Theatre, downtown Bend
Open to the public – $5 tickets at the door
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