Write Your Story

(Photo courtesy of COCC)

Fall Writing & Publishing Courses

To register, click on course titles for details or call 541-383-7270

Novel & Memoir Writing

In this course, learn essential building blocks for fiction and memoir including plot, setting, theme, characterization, point-of-view, and dialogue. What is the hero’s journey, and how does a writer develop a story concept into a page-turning best seller? Award-winning author and college educator Kathryn Mattingly will inspire you to begin your novel, complete your first draft, or reassess what you have written so far. Open to novel and memoir writers of all levels!

Wednesdays, September 25-October 30
COCC Chandler Lab 301; $159

Get Your Novel or Memoir Published

If you have written your novel or memoir and are ready to take the next steps toward publication, this course will help you understand and complete all the different components necessary for realizing your goal. Whether you plan to be traditionally published or to self-publish, the information in this class will help you make it happen.

Thursdays, September 26-October 31
COCC Chandler Lab 301; $159

Calligraphy Simplified: A Full Series

Unleash your creativity and explore the art of elegant writing. Dive into the world of letter forms and numbers, discovering their unique styles and characteristics. Learn spacing and word arrangement to create personal compositions. Join us for this inspiring three-part journey into the beauty of penmanship. All materials included. Sign up for the full series at a discounted rate, or any single, stand-alone session.

Saturdays, October 5-19
COCC Redmond Campus; $149

View All Writing and Publishing Courses


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