Relationships get our attention this month and it starts with questions on the 1st. Conversations leave you wondering on the 2nd as you contemplate what steps to take next. An invitation for a new beginning on the 3rd may take longer to happen than is promised so be ready to use patience. A transformation on the 5th shows you that situations are complicated. Think about the steps you take on the 7th and be sure you are going the right direction. Realize you need to wait a few days in order to be able to see the impact of your actions.
Speaking from the heart on the 11th will lead to decisions over the next few days. The Full Moon on the 13th intensifies everything and brings unexpected changes. Listen on the 14th and be honest about what you hear. Take a little bit of space on the 16th and realize you need to wait before moving forward. The Spring Equinox on the 20th brings new ideas that need to be considered.
Trust your heart on the 21st as it shows you what is possible in your relationships. Think about the changes that you want to make on the 23rd but keep your words to yourself for a bit. Conversations on the 25th will bring you more information and could inspire you to show how you feel to someone you care about. Be sure you are realistic on the 27th and think carefully before you make big decisions. The New Moon on the 29th brings impulsive behavior and your body language could show your true feelings. Keep it simple on the 30th and move slowly. It’s important that you pay attention to the message you are projecting.
Love and Light Always,
Eileen Lock
Clairvoyant Astrologer / Spiritual Medium
1471 NW Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon 97703 • 541-389-1159 •