The January issue of Cascade A&E is proud to feature images from 37 local photographers in a seven page spread. After a call to art was issued to find a cover photo, we were thrilled to receive amazing images from some of Central Oregon’s finest photographers. With no theme to the request, my inbox was filled with images taken all over the world, images featuring children, l scapes, historical monuments even a local brewery owner.
Immediately our eyes were drawn to Gary Callicot’s winning image, Ski Wall. A common enough sight around Bend, old skis are used to make chairs, gates just about anything an enterprising snow enthusiast might desire. What Ski Wall seemed to capture though, aside from brilliant colors, was a bit of Bend’s love of recreation. In the face of a very dry start to the winter season, the photo is a reminder, yes, of the missing snow, but also what that stormy sky might bring.
With each photographer able to submit up to two images each, there were 66 in total to choose from, a very difficult feat! Please take some time to look at the other submissions read a bit about the diverse backgrounds stories from these photographers. Thank you to everyone who participated!