Art is Like Music to Your Eyes

((Left) Lovebirds by Jesica Carleton (Right) Druzy and Oregon opal pendant by Karla Proud)

August is the best month in Sunriver, so the Artists’ Gallery is featuring some of its’ best artists. Although beautiful art can be viewed all days of the week from 10am-6pm, you won’t want to miss meeting these talented artists during the Second Saturday celebration on Saturday, August 10 from 4-6pm. Sip a beverage and enjoy a presentation of gourmet popcorn!

Artist Marjorie Cossairt is difficult to categorize as an artist because she is successful in so many different media. Cossairt paints with watercolor and acrylic -sometimes in the same piece. Her subjects are from nature- animals and flowers that share her world. Each piece combines spontaneity and control. You may find a highly detailed depiction of a quail hiding in a landscape of fluid and colorful ground cover. Or you may find a colorful, stylized horse racing across an expansive, textured meadow. Cossairt is also an incredibly talented ceramic artist, so viewers will also enjoy those creations as well.

Cossairt will not only be present at the Saturday event to answer questions, but she will also be providing a demonstration of her painting technique. Visitors are encouraged to chat with the artist while she paints!

Jewelry artist Karla Proud has been producing beautiful jewelry for 50 years. Proud has owned gem mines and jewelry stores, designed and manufactured thousands of pieces, and now focuses on Oregon gemstones at the Artists’ Gallery. Pieces, large and small, simple and elaborate celebrate the beauty of the Oregon state gemstone, the Oregon Sunstone as well as rare and unique Owyhee Blue Opals from Eastern Oregon. Proud loves to combine opals with other gemstones and pearls to create one-of-a-kind designs. The opal jewels are set in sterling silver, some with bright cz accents for a bit of bling. From wearable basic stud earrings to unique opal and pearl creations… there are pieces that will appeal to everyone.

Glass mosaic artist Jesica Carleton creates beautiful ceramic glass pieces that shine and shimmer. Subject matter is as varied as the colors that are used. Carleton says that she has always been drawn to color and texture, particularly in functional items. Surely the birds feel completely royal when bathing in Carleton’s bird bath creations! Many pieces are purely for a viewer to appreciate — an elegant goldfish catches the light as it glides across the wall. A sweet depiction of love birds in the moonlight can only make you smile.

Painter Sylvia Avenius-Ford likes color and texture, and she knows how to use it! The artist’s paintings almost jump off the wall to catch the viewer’s attention. It is quite easy to see that Alvenius-Ford’s paintings are influenced by her childhood. She grew up in Africa and South America and believes that she subconsciously recreates the intensity of sensations that bombard people in third world countries. Every painting is a story, and Sylvia will be happy to tell you.

The Artists’ Gallery is in Building 19 in the Sunriver Village next door to the Mexican cuisine restaurant. • 541-593-4382

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