In hot July, Leadership Coordinator Hilda León led 11 participants through the cool poetry of  “El Invierno en la Ventana” (Winter in the Window) by Concepción Sámano, via Zoom meetings. It was her second Club de Lectura (reading club) program and attracted readers from California and Lebanon, Oregon. Hilda connected with the poet and writer when she visited…

(Girls in traditional attire celebrate during a Centro Cultural del Condado de Washington County community cultural event. The image will be featured on the Arts Build Communities grant program page of the new Arts Commission website | Photo courtesy of Oregon Arts Commission) A new, more user-friendly Oregon Arts Commission website will launch the week…

(Rendering courtesy of Deschutes Public Library) Delve into the beauty and technique of architecture found in everyday life. Explore great Gothic cathedrals of Western Europe and learn the origins of mid-century modern architecture. Find practical know-how for building your perfect salad and get organized with a bullet journaling workshop. Kids can participate in a fort-building…

The renovations and new construction of libraries throughout Deschutes County bring a wonderful opportunity for the Deschutes Public Library to expand its existing art collection. The Library appointed local artists, one project architect and community representatives from Bend, La Pine, Redmond, Sisters, Sunriver and Portland to serve on the Public Art Selection Committee (Art Committee)…