Featured artists Bonnie Junell, oil painting; Kim Leahy, beaded jewels. You’re invited to meet them as well as many other local artists on March 12, 4-6pm for Second Saturday celebration with food, wine and fun.
Kim Leahy is new to Central Oregon and an accomplished artist in ‘seed bead’ jewels…the art of creating jewelry works with tiny colorful beads from Japan. Kim’s ideas generally begin with the beautiful beads. Often it is a center focal piece or just the color of a bead that she can’t wait to work with. At times it is bits of leather or fibers that strike her imagination. Kim’s jewels have an old world charm. The pieces range from earrings and necklaces to bold cuff bracelets. One of her pieces was recently accepted into Bead and Button magazine, which is the publication in the bead world.
Bonnie Junell started drawing as a young child and her first oil painting class was with her grandmother at the age of eight. Bonnie was hooked on painting and later attended the Downtown Portland Commercial Art School. After a long career in the fashion world, she again became a full time artist in 2005. Bonnie is a member of the Northwest Painters Guild and has also been juried into the Oil Painters of America. This month will feature Bonnie’s oil paintings of fields of red poppies as well as vistas of colorful aspen groves.
Both of our March featured artists offer classes at the Artists’ Gallery. No prior experience necessary….come and have fun.
March 9, 6-8pm Bonnie Junell: oil painting, $45
March 15, 3-5:30pm Kim Leahy: beaded earrings, $45
Classes fill up fast. Call the Gallery for reservations.
Artists’ Gallery Sunriver Village, 57100 Beaver Drive
541-593-4382, www.artistsgallerysunriver.com

Poppies and Mountains