Come Sing With Us

Have you ever dreamed of singing with a choral group? No matter your singing level, here is your chance to be part of the choir!

Central Oregon Mastersingers, Bend’s premier choral group, will host a free Community Sing-along, Sunday, August 25, at 4pm in St. Helens Hall at Trinity Episcopal Church, 231 NW Idaho Ave., Bend.

The event will be fun with a no-stress way to sing some great music and meet new friends, explains Director Christian Clark, who will lead the group in singing Antonio Vivaldi’s well-known masterpiece, Gloria.

“All levels of singers are welcome and all singers are invited to sing the solo parts as well,” stated Clark. “And if you’d rather sit back and listen, that’s okay, too.”

Admission to the event is free, although donations are appreciated. Registration is not required, but helpful. Those planning to attend can click here to let us know they are attending.

2024-25 Concert Season includes:


Saturday, October 12 | 7pm
Trinity Episcopal Church
Sunday, October 13 | 3pm
Nativity Lutheran Church


Saturday, December 14 | 7pm
Sunday, December 15 | 2pm
Tickets on sale now at The Tower Theatre!


Saturday, December 21 | 7pm
Sunday, December 22 | 2pm
​Sunday, April 27 | 4pm
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon

Central Oregon Mastersingers is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. ​Your tax-deductible gift is appreciated.

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