63645 Scenic Dr
Cost: $20 in advance or $25 at the door
A live concert featuring Mystic Minstrels Australian singer/songwriter Chad Wilkins and Gabrielle Euphoria on their NW/SW tour from Australia. They perform hauntingly beautiful songs and harmonies and create inspiring mantra heart songs that reveal a better way for these transitional times on the planet.
Chad’s folksy anthems focus on themes of love, honor and gratitude giving voice to our desire for spiritual transformation, harmony with the Earth and hope for the future. And Gabrielle will be sharing some of her newer music just released in June 2023. Organic, plant-based snacks included.
Register: https://unitycentraloregon.elvanto.net/event-invite/9fcc879c-005f-4a1c-8d7f-81b96fbb3ea2
For more information about this event contact Clare Kubota at Clare@UnityCentralOregon.org 541-280-5040