
Linus Pauling Gallery Call to Art

(Photo | Pexels)

The Art That Heals Us will be an opportunity to showcase how art can heal us. We invite you to submit up to three pieces for consideration in this exhibit from May 4-July 6. All artists are welcome to participate!

The Art That Heals Us, will feature art that connects with the theme of Mental Health. Art submitted can be about your own experience with Mental Health, your experience with a loved one’s Mental Health experience or a piece of art you’ve created during a specific time in your Mental Health journey. The goal of this show is to help us bring awareness to the daily battle many of us go through while honoring the art created during those times.

Please send images to: Please write The Art That Heals Us in the subject line. All images are due on April 11 by 5pm. In addition to the images, please include: title, media, price, and dimensions for each piece submitted for consideration, and a current phone number for the artist.

Please note that while all mediums are appreciated, we cannot accept free-standing pieces or AI generated art for this show.

Linus Pauling Gallery @ Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon
61980 Skyline Ranch Road
Bend, OR

Show Chair: Chelsea Sanford
Show Chair email:

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