Local Leaders United in Condemning Hate

As leaders in our community, we come together to speak up for tolerance, inclusivity and love for our neighbors.

Hate has no place in Bend. Racism, white supremacy, bigotry, antisemitism and other discriminatory beliefs harm members of our community and are counter to our commitment to being a Welcoming City to all.

We stand with our community in condemning white supremacy and all other forms of hate.

We are proud of our community for taking a strong stand against racism and injustice, and for expressing its beliefs nonviolently. We know our neighbors and see that the vast majority of us embrace one another, celebrate our differences and strive to peacefully resolve our disputes.

We are moving forward together to dismantle racist systems and beliefs that still exist in our city, state and country. We will not slip back by embracing or failing to challenge hateful and divisive messages.

Oregon has very strong protections for freedom of speech and expression, and the Bend Police Department strives to provide all community members the ability to express their opinions freely and safely. The right to free speech, however, does not include engaging in any behavior that is defined as a crime under Oregon, federal or local law, and we will work with all our partners in the criminal justice system to ensure that people who engage in criminal behavior are held accountable.


Líderes Locales Unidos para Condenar El Odio

Como líderes de nuestra comunidad, nos unimos para promover el respeto, la igualdad y el amor por nuestros vecinos.

El odio no tiene lugar en Bend. El racismo, la supremacía blanca, el fanatismo, el antisemitismo y otras creencias discriminatorias dañan a los miembros de nuestra comunidad y son contrarios a nuestro compromiso de ser una ciudad acogedora para todos.

Apoyamos a nuestra comunidad en condenar la supremacía blanca y todos los tipos de odio.

Estamos orgullosos de nuestra comunidad por tomar una posición firme contra el racismo y la injusticia, y por expresar nuestras creencias de manera no violenta. Conocemos a nuestros vecinos y vemos que la gran mayoría de nosotros nos abrazamos, celebramos nuestras diferencias y nos esforzamos por resolver pacíficamente nuestras disputas.

Estamos avanzando juntos para desmantelar los sistemas y creencias racistas que aún existen en nuestra ciudad, estado y país. No retrocederemos al aceptar o dejar de desafiar los mensajes de odio y divisiones.

Oregon tiene protecciones muy sólidas para la libertad de expresión y el Departamento de Policía de Bend se esfuerza por brindar a todos los miembros de la comunidad la capacidad de expresar sus opiniones con libertad y seguridad. Sin embargo, el derecho a la libertad de expresión no incluye la participación en ningún comportamiento que se define como un delito según las leyes de Oregon, federales o locales, y trabajaremos con todos nuestros socios en el sistema de justicia penal para asegurar que las personas que participan en actividades criminales rindan cuentas. 

All in support:

Elected Officials: Faith Leaders:
Sally Russell, City of Bend Mayor Rev. Erika Spaet, Story Dwelling
Bruce Abernethy, City of Bend Mayor Pro-Tem (Vice Mayor) Jer Swigart, Executive Director, The Global Immersion Project
John Hummel, Deschutes County District Attorney Rev. Dr. Sam Adams, Bend Mennonite
Chris Piper, Bend City Councilor Pete Kelley, Lead Pastor, Antioch Church
Gena Goodman-Campbell, Bend City Councilor Rev. Jed Holdorph Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church
Barb Campbell, Bend City Councilor Rev. Jen Stuart, Lead Pastor, Bend Church
Justin Livingston, Bend City Councilor David Dealy, City Pastor, Westside Church
Deb Schoen, Bend Park & Recreation Board Rev. Chris Kramer
Ariel Méndez, PhD, Vice Chair, Bend Park and Recreation Board Rabbi Johanna M. Hershenson, Central Conference of American Rabbis
Ann Malkin, Deschutes Public Library District Board Member Amy Kasari, Pastor of Compassion & Justice, Antioch Church
Nathan Hovekamp, PhD, Chair, Bend Park & Recreation Board Tom Airey, Co-Editor, RadicalDiscipleship.net, Executive Director, Kardia Kaiomene
Jason Kropf, Board Member, Bend Park & Recreation District Fr. Jose Thomas Mudakodiyil, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Julie Craig, Bend-La Pine School District, Board of Directors Member Linda Van Voorst, Pastor of Children’s Ministry at Antioch Church
Shimiko Montgomery, Bend-La Pine School Board of Directors Member Rev. Dr. Steven Koski, Lead Pastor, First Presbyterian
Carrie McPherson Douglass, Chair, Bend-La Pine School Board of Director Member Rev. Morgan Schmidt, Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian & Leader at Pandemic Partners

Melissa Barnes Dholakia, Bend-La Pine School Board of Directors Member


Lindsay Airey, LMFT, Soul Accompanier, Kardia Kaiomene

Amy Tatom, Bend-La Pine School Board of Directors Member Rev Nancy Slabaugh Hart, Madras United Methodist Church
Dr. Stuart Young, Bend-La Pine School Board Directors Member Rev. Andrew Hoeksema, Community Presbyterian Church Redmond
Caroline Skidmore, Bend-La Pine School Board of Directors Member Rev. Erika Spaet, The Storydwelling Community



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