Based on the classic novel by the same name, Little Women the Musical centers around an aspiring author, Jo March, and her family, growing up in the 1860s in Concord, Massachusetts. The story follows them through the growing pains of marriage, love, loss and sisterhood and Jo trying to make their way in the world as a writer in New York City.
Directed by Angelina Anello-Dennee & Gracie Conant, this production will explore the fluidity and androgyny of Jo’s character, as they strive to stay true to themselves while being told marriage and children are the only path forward in life.
A special preview performance of the show will occur on July 16 at 6:30pm. Tickets are $50/adults and $30/youth and includes pre-show bingo, food, drinks and full performance. Proceeds raised from the bingo portion of the event will be donated to the new local arts nonprofit, Ellipse Theatre Community.
Additional performances are scheduled for July 17 and July 18 at 2pm and 7:30pm. Tickets are $25/adults and $15/youth 12 and under.
Tickets can be purchased at
All performances held at Open Space Event Studios at 220 NE Lafayette.