Conversations are challenging this month as Mercury turns retrograde on the 1st. Listen to your intuition on the 3rd especially in regards to your relationships. New beginnings on the 4th are helpful and by the 6th your relationships could improve. The New Moon on the 8th mixed with a Total Solar Eclipse could intensify the situation again and old wounds may come to the surface. Decisions on the 10th can bring healing when you are willing to take responsibility for your contribution.
Listen closely on the 11th and be honest about what you hear. It may be necessary to revisit an old challenging situation on the 15th in order to move forward. Let your heart guide you on the 19th as you take significant steps towards the future. Opportunities for change are available on the 20th and you may find the solution that you have been seeking.
The Full Moon on the 23rd invites you to let go of the past and look at what you want next. Conversations improve after the 25th when Mercury returns to direct motion. Take a leap of faith on the 28th and realize blind faith is necessary. Stay focused on what you want on the 30th and realize you are turning a corner.
Love and Light Always,
Eileen Lock
Clairvoyant Astrologer / Spiritual Medium
1471 NW Newport Ave., Bend, Oregon 97703
Listen for the song in your heart, find the melody and dance to the music.
Check out Eileen’s radio programs online at Cosmic Lunch Break on Mondays at 8am, What’s Up Wednesday at 8am and Talking With Spirit on Fridays at 8am. •