Sunriver Resort Lodge Betty Gray Gallery features paintings by Judy Hoiness and Patricia Oertley through November 8.
Bend artist Judy Hoiness, one of Oregon’s most recognized artists, exhibits expressionistic paintings with reference to landscape. A fourth generation Oregonian, Central Oregon and the Pacific Northwest are major inspirations for her work. Her acrylic imagery presents a flattened perspective of landscape, perhaps geologic layers, rendered in a widely interpretive palette.
Hoiness graduated from Portland State University in art education and obtained a masters degree in illustration from Syracuse University. Noted for numerous national and regional exhibitions throughout the U.S., the artist received over 40 significant awards with her art published in seven books on watercolor and acrylic as well as Watercolor Magazine. Her teaching experience includes working as adjunct faculty in art at Central Oregon Community College as well as many workshops in the U.S. and Canada.
Patricia Oertley, Bend artist previously of Sunriver, presents abstract acrylic and oil stick paintings of multiple layers. The work leads the viewer skillfully throughout subtle backgrounds with focus on movement created by contrasting color and strong linear marks as accent. She notes the joy of this “making marks and finding layers.”
She also shows abstracted photographic images of painted metal with chrome accents. The artist composed these images from edits of photographs taken during an earlier visit to a “junkyard” on rural backroads outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Intrigued by the color, shape and interesting forms of the encountered wreckage, Oertley created the eight photos appearing in the exhibit.
The artist received a bachelors in fine art from St. Mary’s College of Notre Dame and an masters in fine art from Columbia University. She then spent many years teaching in South America and the Middle East. She notes that her education, living and teaching abroad and her appreciation of music (Wagner, Phillip Glass and rhythmic jazz) strongly influence her art.
Sunriver Resort invites the public to the exhibition which continues through November 8. Billye Turner, art consultant organizes exhibitions for the Resort’s Betty Gray Gallery.

Patricia Oertley